Monday, July 8, 2013

Upclose with the Mermaid

We all have our fantasies. Mine, aside from fantasizing that I am some sort of superhero, includes being a supernatural element--a beautiful fairy perhaps, a writing muse or an enchanting mermaid... It had always been my dream to be photographed, at least, in the mermaid suit. So that fantastic morning wherein I was offered to model for some professional photographers in a tail, I didn't think twice. I put on my elusive look and made love with the camera...

In silence, I cry--I embrace the pain and wash it off with my cleansing tears. 

I'm in fact a very shy person...
"Mukhang patay na ang sirenang 'yan. Pakitignan nga kung pula pa ang hasang..."


  1. witwew! ang ganda namang sirena nya, ms elle... sana ako din makapagpa-picture ng ganyan.

  2. I never believed in mermaids and beautiful muses but now I do. You're the most beautiful mermaid I have laid eyes on. I hope to see you soon.
